Understanding the ancestral structure and the calling

Traditionalist believe that there are two different kinds of worlds, the world of flesh and the world of spirit. It is with a belief that when a person passes on their spirit leaves their bodies but the spirit lives forever. A person who has got ancestral spirit imimoya yabantu abadala that person is known to be spiritually gifted which means that they have been possessed with the ancestral spirits. This is not something that you can just get anyhow the gift is attached to you long before you are born but it tends to appear at a later stage when long after being born. Amagobongo this is one of the journey that one has to undergo when they are possessed with the ancestral spirits. When a person takes this journey it is because of the connection the ancestors want to have with that certain person. Not everyone gets to undergo this journey as not everyone is spiritually gifted. Anele Ndlovu shares how she found out that she has to undergo the journey of amagobongo. “I had dreams, these were very strange and weird dreams and I would not take them serious. There was this one night where I dreamed of a woman that I have never met before and she was leading me somewhere, few weeks after that dream I saw a friend of mine posting a picture of that same woman I saw on my dream and asked her to get me in contact with her. When I went to see her for the first time she told me she has been waiting for me and she has been expecting me to come a long time ago,” she said. Amagobongo is one way of embracing your ancestors and amagobongo pave your ancestral path as they show you your next step. As amagobongo is the first step in your ancestral journey you need to first do a small ceremony for the ancestors, this little ceremony is done for the ancestor that wants a connection with you. You do a cleansing ritual and slaughter some chickens after that you do ukumiswa kwegobongo this is when you do a ceremony for your ancestors there is a slaughtering of seven chickens for the ancestors and make traditional beer then do iladi which is known as the feast for your ancestors and your ancestors will show you in your dreams if they accepted the ceremony that you performed for them. After finishing amagobongo you get a clear indication as to wherever you need to proceed to intwaso traditional initiation or you stop there and just have a connection with your ancestors. Your dreams take you throughout the whole journey as they are the ones that show whether you have to proceed to initiation or your journey ends. If your journey ends you need to dream of your goat the goat that you will use to complete the journey of amagobongo, if you do not dream of the goat but rather dream of schools, river, waterfalls and sea that means you need to go to for initiation to becoming a traditional healer. Many people seem to misunderstand amagobongo and intwaso these are two different things. One may or may not lead to the other it all lies with your ancestors.


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